Wrap Packages

We offer a full ‘Marry Me’ display for your proposal plans. Our large 4ft large marquee letters produce a stunning eye catching surprise for your special partner. Our ‘Marry Me’ display offer both Indoor or outdoor compatibility.

Mainland Marquee Letters offers a full numerical marquee set for your graduating class. What better way to celebrate a graduating classes academic achievements by showing their graduating year – marquee style !

Marquee Letters and birthdays are inseparable. What better way to celebrating a birth year of a family to friend by having us display their age with our number displays. Get the perfect picture op and unforgettable birthday celebration memories for the whole family !

Anniversary’s (both personal and corporate) are milestones that should be cherished. Showcasing the years of commitment with our marquee number displays is the perfect way to acknowledge the longevity of the relationship with a touch of marquee beauty to the celebration.

Whether your celebrating a future birth of a child or a bride to be, a marquee letter or number display is definitely a must ! Showcase the love and excitement for the future the marquee way !!

The best way to compliment your marquee display setup is to have a custom backdrop decor panel set up ! The two produce a beautiful set up for any special event.